Life has been moving along at a fairly quick pace lately...I've not written/posted a blog for over month now. I write them but I've been in a writing slump, dissatisfied with everything and therefore not posting anything. That's the way it goes...we did celebrate our 10th anniversary so that was a nice milestone.
We have been busy, however. The Pueblo Chili Festival is always a fun time. Pueblo chilies are nice and warm, they make fantastic wraps, rellenos, green chili, and so much more. They are good on eggs, hamburgers, and any kind of -ito or -chalada. We ended up going both days... Saturday was hot as Hell and almost shoulder to shoulder. Sunday we were supposed to meet friends at the festival but never found each other...in the day and age of cell phones it may be inexcusable to some but to us it's just commonplace...however, thanks a freaking lot, Tommy for the phone call. Hours after we're supposed to meet up we get a call with a rather gruff voice... "We're still by the bridge waiting on you guys." How we missed each other initially we'll never know...a very blonde family by the bridge...but, alas, Tommy made us pay.
At some point we also trekked up to Denver for a concert, a sort of belated birthday present or annivarsary outing. We went up to the Gothic to see Buckethead. Now, for those unfamiliar with this guitar genius, you've got to have a high tolerance for WTF? Yeah, he wears a bucket on his head. Yeah, he wears an expressionless white mask. Yes, he wears a blue jumpsuit. Yes, his hands are freakishly large and he was listed at the #8 guitar player of all time. Just him on stage. He has all background music on an iPod, setlist ready to go. He is a machine. Here's a clip of moderate quality...worth the watch.
Work has been quite busy...my work days have been shuffled and now am off Tuesday & Sunday. That's ok, I have steady work, decent pay, and a weekday off to go do things when no one else is out and about...it's a nice day to go to the grocery and run errands. I will be thankful for what I have and not complain.
Otherwise, left has been good. Autumn is certainly here, the sunflowers are gone as are the orioles and hummingbirds. The greens of summer along with the multitude of colors are replaced by a brief burst of autumn and then...snowboarding! snowshoeing! winter hiking! atv trips to closed mountain passes! nights spent watching silent snow fall... bring it on!